Why is Google Drive is so convenient?
For those that don't know, Google Drive is an online storage service brought to you by Google, It's similar to Microsoft's SkyDrive, Apple's iCloud and Dropbox. But Google has put in some features that in my opinion puts them ahead of the Cloud Race.
If you haven't taken advantage of Google Drive, I think its time to give it a shot. Drive now comes with 15 GB of storage but what makes it stand alone in the field is its Documenting capabilities. You are able to create documents, spreadsheets, presentation and from anywhere on any device. Whether its on your phone, your laptop, tablet, or Mac, simply create and collaborate with others in real time. No more emailing back and forward. You simply sign in to your Google account and all of your stuff is available to you from anywhere.
Besides basic features when creating a document, Drive has a neat feature called research that allows you to "research" within your document. It eliminates having to stop open a browser and search. As simple as a task it is, Google drive makes it much more simpler and convenient.
Now Google Keep syncs with Drive. Keep is a neat app that lets you easily organize and "keep" all your thoughts in one central place So when you have an idea for a blog or hear a great quote or just have a bright idea. Make a note on Keep and take it further with Drive.
The best part about Google Drive is that it's absolutely Free. As long as you have a Google account you have Google Drive and a list of other other apps from Google by default. So if you have a Google account and haven't tried Drive, go ahead and take it for a spin. What's you're experience with Google Drive??