Apple Trendsetting again?

The most alluring feature of the new iPhone is the by far the Touch ID feature. While the idea itself maybe real cool. The new feature may not be as secure as it may seem. 

Your initial thought may be "well how can someone hack my device and only i have my finger print. The thing about finger prints are they are unique to you and you alone, but can be very easy to get a hold of. Look at it this way, how many criminals have gone to jail because of their prints being left behind? How many surfaces do you touch per day? Do you even take the time to wipe down your phone? Chances are you don't. Your finger print is everywhere and with enough time and a few good tutorials it can be cracked. In the average iPhone user's case, who is going to that extreme for a few pictures and messages. We're not talking about hacking someones bank account to withdraw funds, we're talking about a cell phone. 

In my opinion if you have a secure pass code to protect against the everyday prying person, stick with it. If your pass code is simple and is just a cross pattern, change it to something unique or upgrade to a password; include some letters to make it much more difficult. Further more with your phone data backed up (if its not it should be), if your phone is stolen or missing you simply can remotely wipe it and restore whenever you're ready. Again that is just my personal recommendation. Apple has released the 7.0.2 update to correct the issue of bypass all security features. This issue seems to be resolved.

The overall idea of replacing the four digit code with just a touch ID is trendsetting. While this isn't the first attempt of a Touch ID feature, with apple's stand alone iPhone and the immense popularity behind the name, consumers will have no choice but to take notice of the feature. Apple is trying to provide security with convenience and with the brand being what it is, they are almost destined to succeed.


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